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Best Dental Clinic in [City, State]!

Our pets' dental health impacts their basic health and wellness. If their teeth aren't looked after properly, our pets can develop dental illness. This not only causes pain as well as leads to tooth loss, it can also spread out infection to the inner organs, like the heart, kidneys as well as liver, creating serious body organ damages. Come visit us to get your animal's teeth in tip top shape!

Cavity Fillings

A cavity will appear as a dark brown to black discoloration on the pet's tooth surface. Tooth staining secondary to wear can look like this as well, although this tends to be lighter in color. If you see dark staining on your pet’s teeth, or if your veterinarian has diagnosed a “cavity”, an exam and consultation by one of our veterinarian dentists is very important. We can determine if it is truly a cavity and recommend the appropriate and best treatment for your pet. The veterinarian will start by taking a dental radiograph to determine if the tooth is endodontically involved. If this were the case, then root canal therapy is necessary prior to do the restorative procedure (filling). If the tooth appears vital, the veterinarian prepares the tooth for the filling which is done with a dental drill (like in humans). This is done by first outlining the edges of the future restorative, and then removing all the diseased tooth structure. The veterinary dentist will then place the filling. Currently, we are using only non-toxic resin-based composite (white) fillings.

Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleaning

Imagine how your teeth would look and feel if you didn’t brush them daily. The same applies to your pets’ teeth. Bad breath and stained teeth are unappealing, but many pet owners aren’t aware that these may be symptoms of serious gum disease. Unless you are regularly providing some form of dental care for your pet, you are neglecting an important factor in their overall health. Busines Name we provide anesthesia-free dental care to dogs and cats under the supervision of licensed veterinarians. We pride ourselves in offering Veterinarians and Pet Owners experience and expertise that is second to none.

Pet Dental Cleanings

Most of our patients have symptoms of oral disease much earlier than pet parents would expect or recognize. Periodontal disease is a progressive health issue that begins as plaque accumulates on your pet's teeth. Just like with humans, this plaque quickly calcifies into tartar. As the tartar begins to spread beneath your pet's gumline, it causes a harmful chain reaction by giving nasty bacteria a place to hide, while progressively destroying the attachment of the teeth to the jawbone.Pets with periodontal disease often live with a painful mouth & never show obvious signs of it until that destruction has really advanced. Because the onset is usually gradual, periodontal disease is a problem that’s often overlooked by our clients. By performing routine professional cleaning, we will make sure your pet has as healthy a mouth as possible, & lives a longer, healthier life.

Pet Dental Examinations

We begin with a comprehensive veterinary dental exam to determine if your pet is a good candidate for a nonanesthetic dental cleaning or not. Pets are taken into a treatment area and given a veterinary exam, they are then gently placed on their side while we perform a complete oral exam with full dental charting. If it's determined that your pet is not a candidate, our on-site veterinarian will discuss those findings and your options with you.

Tooth Extractions

The vet will then assess the root structure of the tooth using ultrasound imaging in order to plan the extraction. The tooth is usually pulled out by pulling back the gums and using a drill to dislodge the root from its mooring in the jawbone. An incision along the base of the gums may be required to assist in this. Once freed from the jawbone, the tooth can be pulled out and any root fragments removed with tweezers. The final step is to suture the wound closed and apply gauze to stem the bleeding. The procedure should usually take no more than an hour in total.


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